Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's been that kind of week

Hi all,

Quick update. No pics as, well, it's been that kind of week. Work has been crazy the past two days. I have worked out every day but yesterday (crazy snow storm). Today I had my trainer and did about 1000 squats.
Today's food:
B: Oatmeal
L: Slimfast bar
S: 100 calorie chocolate bar - trust me, I needed it
S: Clif Trail Mix bar
D: multigrain, flax bagel with peanut butter and banana

That's it.
Looking forward to the weekend!


Rebecca said...

sounds like a good day food wise!

♥ Dee ♥ said...

Would you mind a little food coaching?

I'm hoping it's okay, cuz I have a reaaaally hard time shutting up, lol.

Okay, here goes: Fruits and vegetables. ???

I see great grains, with the oatmeal and flax bagel. I see one serving of fruit, with the banana. But that's it!

Here's a question, how is your digestive system? Everything perform normally? Fruits and veggies are instrumental to health and healthy weight loss.

I hope you are taking vitamins and drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, too!

Please, read this with the love it was intended... I truly have your healthy in mind!

(ps: I'm not a crackpot, I promise... I've lost 60 lbs so far on my journey and am not educating myself out the wazoo about my body's needs)
